Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Self Portait

Photoshop, built up with Photographs

This was a final project where we had to create a self portait using some of our favorite images. Mine is made up of photos of my own work and involves a series of photos

Chicgao skyline
Kansas Sunset
Detail of a painted motorcycle gas tank
pictures of my cat and dog.

Kaw Point Park Map

Photoshop with Wacom Tablet

Done to replace an older much dated map of Kaw Point Park. Made so that you can print it HERE and take it to the park to use without getting lost and identifies the key features of the park.

Color Study: Shading

Photoshop with Wacom Tablet

One of my first real expierences using colors to shade instead of using the dodge and burn tool.

Digital Paintings: Horses

Photoshop with Wacom Tablet

Done for a friend and a way to work more on my coloring and shading to give things a more realistic look instead of a plastic kind of look.

Figure Studies

Graphite and charcoal on paper


Setched from a model who was doing a quick series of poses and we had to capture the movement and fluidity of the model.

White Color Study

Oil on canvas

We were each given a still life with white objects and had to show the different shades of slight colors without using back to shade or darken and use the colors that we saw in the objects.

Sunset Drawing and Photograph

Graphite and charcoal on paper

A recreation of one of my own older pictures, capturing the sky right after a huge storm.

Abstract Prime and Abstract Color

Abstract works
Pencil, pen, and colored pencil on paper

Both of these drawings came from the same still life, but became abstract after expanding the lines in the still life and breaking it up into shapes and the still life slowly disappeared into the space.

Van Gogh Study

Oil on Canvas

A project that required us to recreate a painting done by a master. I went for the harsh brush strokes of Vincent Van Gogh, one of my favorite artists.